Rayne Broach is a graduate student studying Textual Studies and Digitial Humanities at Loyola University Chicago.
She utilizes the intersection of digital humanities and textual studies in her research as a space to explore genre studies and literary architecture and to conduct “archi-textual” mappings of nineteenth-century American literature and its materials.
Her interests in exploring cultural collectives and literary architecture do not rest solely in the study of literature but in the interplay of vision and textuality as well. She embraces the exploration of music, art, games, puzzles, and photography, aiming to combine the analysis of expressive practices and their display outside those of writing with those that exist within the traditional study of literature to create new landing points in our understanding of cultural identity.
Through the demands of various academic projects and research assistantships during her undergraduate studies at SUNY Oswego and her current graduate assistantships at Loyola University Chicago, Rayne has gained experience working with several Digital Humanities platforms such as Omeka and WordPress, has experience with XML encoding and the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI), has worked with 3D design and animation software such as Blender, has proficiency with photo editing software such as Photoshop, and has experience in audio editing.